20 research outputs found

    Korelacija upotrebljene municije sa osiromašenim uranijumom i etničke strukture stanovništva Savezne Republike Jugoslavije tokom agresije NATO 1999. godine

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    This paper explores the correlation of the number of used depleted uranium (DU) projectiles with the ethnic composition of the population in the municipalities (N=208) of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), specifically the type, intensity, and reliability of the correlation and the time dynamics of the use of DU projectiles during the NATO aggression on FRY in 1999. Since the number of citizens and the share of Albanian and non-Albanian populations in the total population of the former FRY do not represent the homogenous characteristics of the observed area, the Spearman correlation coefficient was used to determine the level of correlation between the number of DU missiles and the population of Albanian and non-Albanian ethnic origin in the observed municipalities. The research yielded the results that indicate direct proportionality between the number of DU missiles and the number of Albanians (r = 0.514, p = 0.000000) and inverse proportionality between the number of specified missiles and the number of non-Albanians (r = -0.320, p = 0.000003. The determined spatial distribution of DU projectile seriously and lastingly contaminated the living space of Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija, and thus the area of temporary residence of NATO, UNMIK, and EULEX forces in this part of the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The results also revealed that, in the last eleven days of the aggression, NATO forces fired more than a half (54%) of all DU projectiles fired within FRY.Radom se istražuje korelacija upotrebljenih projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i etničke strukture stanovništva po opštinama (N=208) bivše Savezne Republike Jugoslavije (SRJ), odnosno vrsta, intenzitet i pouzdanost te korelacije i vremenska dinamika upotrebe navedenih projektila tokom agresije NATO na SRJ, 1999. godine. S obzirom na to da zastupljenost stanovništva albanske i nealbanske etničke pripadnosti u ukupnom broju stanovnika bivše SRJ, ne predstavljaju homogena obeležja posmatranog prostora, za utvrđivanje stepena povezanosti broja projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i broja stanovnika albanske i nealbanske etničke pripadnosti po opštinama, korišćen je Spirmanov (Spearman) koeficijent korelacije. Rezultati sprovedenog istraživanja ukazuju na to da postoji direktna proporcionalnost između broja upotrebljenih projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i broja Albanaca (r = 0.514, p = 0.000000) i inverzna proporcionalnost između broja upotrebljenih projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i broja nealbanaca (r = - 0.320, r = 0.000003). Tako utvrđenom prostornom distribucijom projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom, pre svega je, ozbiljno i dugoročno, kontaminiran životni prostor Albanaca na Kosovu i Metohiji, a time i prostor privremenog boravka snaga NATO, UNMIK i EULEX, na tom delu teritorije Republike Srbije. Takođe, rezultatima sprovedenog istraživanja, utvrđeno je da su NATO snage, u poslednjih 11 dana agresije, upotrebile više od polovine (54%) od ukupnog broja projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom upotrebljenih tokom agresije na SRJ

    Korelacija upotrebljene municije sa osiromašenim uranijumom i etničke strukture stanovništva Savezne Republike Jugoslavije tokom agresije NATO 1999. godine

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    This paper explores the correlation of the number of used depleted uranium (DU) projectiles with the ethnic composition of the population in the municipalities (N=208) of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), specifically the type, intensity, and reliability of the correlation and the time dynamics of the use of DU projectiles during the NATO aggression on FRY in 1999. Since the number of citizens and the share of Albanian and non-Albanian populations in the total population of the former FRY do not represent the homogenous characteristics of the observed area, the Spearman correlation coefficient was used to determine the level of correlation between the number of DU missiles and the population of Albanian and non-Albanian ethnic origin in the observed municipalities. The research yielded the results that indicate direct proportionality between the number of DU missiles and the number of Albanians (r = 0.514, p = 0.000000) and inverse proportionality between the number of specified missiles and the number of non-Albanians (r = -0.320, p = 0.000003. The determined spatial distribution of DU projectile seriously and lastingly contaminated the living space of Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija, and thus the area of temporary residence of NATO, UNMIK, and EULEX forces in this part of the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The results also revealed that, in the last eleven days of the aggression, NATO forces fired more than a half (54%) of all DU projectiles fired within FRY.Radom se istražuje korelacija upotrebljenih projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i etničke strukture stanovništva po opštinama (N=208) bivše Savezne Republike Jugoslavije (SRJ), odnosno vrsta, intenzitet i pouzdanost te korelacije i vremenska dinamika upotrebe navedenih projektila tokom agresije NATO na SRJ, 1999. godine. S obzirom na to da zastupljenost stanovništva albanske i nealbanske etničke pripadnosti u ukupnom broju stanovnika bivše SRJ, ne predstavljaju homogena obeležja posmatranog prostora, za utvrđivanje stepena povezanosti broja projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i broja stanovnika albanske i nealbanske etničke pripadnosti po opštinama, korišćen je Spirmanov (Spearman) koeficijent korelacije. Rezultati sprovedenog istraživanja ukazuju na to da postoji direktna proporcionalnost između broja upotrebljenih projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i broja Albanaca (r = 0.514, p = 0.000000) i inverzna proporcionalnost između broja upotrebljenih projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i broja nealbanaca (r = - 0.320, r = 0.000003). Tako utvrđenom prostornom distribucijom projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom, pre svega je, ozbiljno i dugoročno, kontaminiran životni prostor Albanaca na Kosovu i Metohiji, a time i prostor privremenog boravka snaga NATO, UNMIK i EULEX, na tom delu teritorije Republike Srbije. Takođe, rezultatima sprovedenog istraživanja, utvrđeno je da su NATO snage, u poslednjih 11 dana agresije, upotrebile više od polovine (54%) od ukupnog broja projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom upotrebljenih tokom agresije na SRJ

    Zastupljenost funkcija rukovođenja u Zakonu o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici

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    The current Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence in the Republic of Serbia has been adopted with the aim to regulate organization and conduct of state bodies and institutions in a general and unique manner and enable in this way efficient prevention of domestic violence as well as provide urgent, timely and effective protection and support to victims of that violence. Starting from this point, the paper deals with the following question: are the contents of theoretically determined managerial functions in the police represented in the Law on Prevention of Domestic violence, to what extent and in what way? As the most important management contents that are represented in the Law, the results of such a focused research have been identified in the paper as well: 1) general goals and ways of preventing domestic violence; 2) bodies and institutions in charge of implementing the Law; 3) specialized training of police officers, and 4) general procedures and rules for mandatory coordination of activities between bodies and institutions in charge of implementing the Law. The most important contents of planning, organization, management and control, whose distribution in the Law by research is not indicated, despite the justified need for them to be distributed in the practice of applying the Law, refer to: 1) the application of appropriate scientific methods of forecasting; 2) the inclusion of the activities of preventing domestic violence into periodic police work plans; 3) standardization of the treatment and the working methods of police officers; 4) strengthening of their professional integrity; 5) their motivation for work; 6) and evaluating their work in preventing domestic violence.Aktuelni Zakon o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici u Republici Srbiji donet je s ciljem da se njime na opšti i jedinstven način uredi organizacija i postupanje državnih organa i ustanova i da se time omoguće delotvorno sprečavanje nasilja u porodici i hitna, blagovremena i delotvorna zaštita i podrška žrtvama tog nasilja. Polazeći od toga, u radu se problematizuju pitanja da li su, u kom obimu i na koji način sadržaji teorijski utvrđenih funkcija rukovođenja u policiji zastupljeni u Zakonu o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici. Rezultatima tako usmerenog istraživanja identifikovani su i u radu naučno opisani teorijski utvrđeni sadržaji planiranja, organizovanja, vođenja i kontrole: 1) koji su, eksplicitno ili implicitno, zastupljeni u aktuelnom Zakonu o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici i 2) koji u Zakon nisu implementirani, a za čijom implementacijom u praksi sprečavanja nasilja u porodici postoji opravdana potreba

    Politika upravljanja ljudskim resursima kao faktor sistema policijskog obrazovanja

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    Radi zadovoljavanja stalno rastućih potreba za specifičnim i ograničenim ljudskim znanjima i sposobnostima, većina savremenih policijskih organizacija uspostavila je i kontinuirano razvija odgovarajući sistem policijskog obrazovanja. Jedan od ključnih faktora kvaliteta i uspešnosti funkcionisanja tog sistema, svakako je i politika upravljanja ljudskim resursima u policiji. Polazeći od toga, rad je rezultat istraživanja u okviru kojeg su identifikovani, naučno opisani i objašnjeni ključni elementi sadržaja politike upravljanja ljudskim resursima u policiji i visok nivo mogućnosti njihovog uticaja na uspostavljanje i kvalitet funkcionisanja sistema policijskog obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji. Kao najznačajniji među očekivanim pozitivnim efektima tog uticaja, istraživanjem su utvrđeni: 1) visok nivo usaglašenosti radnih profila zaposlenih u policiji i obrazovnih profila budućih zaposlenih koji se za potrebe policije obezbeđuju u sistemu policijskog obrazovanja i 2) visok nivo povezanosti tog sistema sa politikom zapošljavanja i karijernog razvoja zaposlenih u policiji. Rezultatima istraživanja je takođe utvrđeno da je, posredstvom tih efekata politike upravljanja ljudskim resursima u policiji, moguće značajno uticati i na viši nivo profesionalizacije policije, kao i na dugoročnu održivost i uspešnost sistema policijskog obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji

    Specifične karakateristike Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici

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    The current Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence basically regulates the organization, goals and manner of acting of competent state authorities and institutions in preventing this type of violence and in protecting victims and supporting victims of this violence in the Republic of Serbia. Experiences of competent police officers, prosecutors and judges acquired during their specialized training and nine-month practical implementation of the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence, confirmed some of the specific characteristics, but also pointed out some problems in the implementation of the Law. Starting from this, the research whose results were presented in the work was aimed at identifying, systematizing and scientifically describing the characteristics of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence that are of particular importance for understanding its essence and for its effective and efficient implementation. The results of such directed research, as particularly important characteristics of this Law, have been identified in the paper as well: 1) targeted the Law on preventive action (prevention) and higher level of expertise of officials for the application of protection of victims of violence (protection), 2) formalization of the risk assessment procedure and pronouncement of urgent measures (processing), 3) the statutory law (competence) cooperation and coordination of activities between competent authorities and institutions in its implementation (integration). Such a conception of legal solutions, conditions have been created to overcome some of the previously expressed problems of preventing domestic violence. The most significant of these are: 1) the problem of 'dark figures' as a consequence of the absence of reporting and processing of domestic violence, 2) the problem of legal and security vacuum in the protection of victims, 3) the problem of insufficient competence and the lack of cooperation between providers of prevention of domestic violence and 4) the problem of overlap and / or gap in the structure of responsibility for the protection of victims of this violence.Aktuelnim Zakonom o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici načelno su uređeni organizacija, ciljevi i način postupanja nadležnih državnih organa i ustanova u sprečavanju te vrste nasilja i u zaštiti žrtava i u podršci žrtvama tog nasilja u Republici Srbiji. Iskustva nadležnih policijskih službenika, javnih tužilaca i sudija stečena tokom njihove specijalizovane obuke i u njihovoj devetomesečnoj praksi sprovođenja Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici, ukazala su na neke od specifičnih karakteristika tog Zakona. Polazeći od tih iskustava, istraživanje čiji su rezultati prezentovani u radu bilo je usmereno na to, da se identifikuju i sistematizuju karakteristike Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici koje su od posebnog značaja za razumevanje njegove suštine, a time i za njegovo efektivno i efikasno sprovođenje. Rezultatima tako usmerenog istraživanja prezentovanim u radu, kao posebno značajne karakteristike tog Zakona, opisane su: 1) težišna usmerenost Zakona na preventivno delovanje (prevencija) i na zaštitu žrtava nasilja (protekcija), 2) formalizacija postupka procene rizika i izricanja hitnih mera (procesuiranje), i 3) propisanost višeg nivoa stručnosti lica za vođenje postupka (kompetetnost) i obavezne koordinacije aktivnosti između nadležnih organa i ustanova u primeni Zakona (integracija)

    The Use of Linear Programming for Determining Number of Fire-Fighters on Shifts in Case of Special Events

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    This paper focuses on finding the most suitable number of fire-fighters who will be engaged on special events, such as concerts, sport tournaments, music events or similar events, while at the same time ensuring the number of fire-fighters in a particular fire station for each shift will be enough to ensure the overall social welfare of a community and remain at the lowest possible costs. Due to the risk of fire and other public welfare risks, it is often common fire-fighters are required to be engaged in special events with their duty primarily at those special event locations. Their main task certainly is to protect all people in a community and its assets by quick response in case of an emergency. Consequently, it remains necessary to provide a sufficient number of fire-fighters who will remain at the fire station so that they meet the standard requirements of them during each shift. In cases of temporary absences and permanent attrition in the fire-fighter workforce, sometimes commanders need to use overtime and hiring of additional fire-fighters to satisfy the needs of organizers of special events. In those situations, they also have to think about minimizing total staffing costs and budget restraints. This paper uses linear programming to develop a model for determining the optimal number of fire-fighters to have on staff during additional demands of special events still covering the standard emergency coverage within a community. Also, the aim of this paper is to present a model which will facilitate the decisions of commanders of fire stations when determining the number of fire-fighters required for ordinary and extraordinary activities

    A contribution to the research of children protection in use of Internet

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    Cilj ovoga rada je analizirati trenutačno stanje zaštite djece u korištenju interneta. Istraživanje uključuje razmatranje čimbenika koji utječu na zaštitu djece s različitih aspekata, na temelju rezultata ispitivanja djece, roditelja i nastavnika. Rezultati ukazuju na izraženi utjecaj određenih društvenih okolnosti okruženja u kojem je provedeno istraživanje. S obzirom na obrazovanje djece s važnom ulogom škola i nastavnika, u radu se naglašava važnost stručnog i metodički primjenljivog IT obrazovanja u obrazovnim institucijama, korištenje novih informacijskih tehnologija u obrazovanju, s naglaskom na prijetnje na internetu, sigurnost na internetu, prevenciju nasilja na internetu, prava djece na Internetu i pravila za sigurno korištenje Interneta u odnosu na dob. Ovo istraživanje je provedeno na jednom primjeru studije slučaja.The main aim of this paper is to study the current state of children protection in their use of the Internet. The research includes a consideration of the factors influencing the protection of children from various aspects, based on the test results of the children, their parents and teachers. The results suggest a pronounced influence of the specific social circumstances of the environment in which the research study was conducted. With regard to the education of children, where schools and teachers play an important role, the paper highlights the importance of professional and methodical applicable IT education at educational institutions, the use of new information technologies in education, with an emphasis on the threats on the Internet, security on the Internet, the prevention of violence on the Internet, the rights of children on the Internet and the rules for a safe Internet use in relation to age. This study was carried out on the example of a case study


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    In orthopaedic surgery it is very important to use proper fixation techniques in the treatment of various medical conditions, i.e. bone fractures or other traumas. If an internal fixation method, such as plating, is required, it is possible to use Dynamic Compression Plates (DCP) or Locking Compression Plates (LCP) and their variants. For DCP implants it is important to match the patient's bone shape with the most possible accuracy, so that the most frequent implant bending is applied in the surgery. For LCP implants it is not so important to match the patient’s bone shape, but additional locking screw holes are required. To improve the geometrical accuracy and anatomical correctness of the shape of DCP and to improve the LCP geometric definition, new geometrical modelling methods for the Mitkovic type internal fixator for Lateral Tibia Plateau are developed and presented in this research. The presented results are quite promising; it can be concluded that these methods can be applied to the creation of geometrical models of internal fixator customized for the given patient or optimized for a group of patients with required geometrical accuracy and morphological correctness